Wedding info

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Nathan's Christmas Gift Guide

December is my favorite month, hands down.  I love the holiday season.

It's not just about the gifts, although you probably think more about them than anything else when it comes to the holidays. No, I'm not that cynical "Christmas is just a commercial holiday created by big corporations and greeting card companies to prey on American consumerism."  But in my opinion, you think more about the gift buying aspect of the holidays because you don't HAVE to think about all the other great things about the holiday season.  They just come effortlessly.  Like the decorations (beautiful and always kind of personal). Or the short cold days that make you feel warmer and cozier inside.  The holiday sweets made with love or shared with love with friends and family.  And of course, the generosity. Showing your friends and family that you love them and appreciate them, but conveniently not having to say all that mushy feeling stuff. Yuck.

So, with that said, to take away the doubt in your mind and second guessing "is this the right size? Will he like this toy? Will jenny rue the day nathan opened this gift?" I've made a gift buying guide for Nathan, because I care. You're welcome friends and family! And of course, thank you for including our son in your holiday generosity. Love you all.

1. Size 2t in pants
2. Size 3t in shirts
3. He loves toy cars (please no toddler cars, metal die cast only (ie cheap hot wheels cars $0.97/ea))
4. We refuse to buy them, but he is a fan of Cars themed Squinkies (thanks youtube! Not.)
5. Monster trucks (not Cars themed)
6. Books
7. Thomas the Train And Friends toy trains (more specifically he doesn't have Cranky yet ;) )
8. Puzzles for toddlers
9. Oh yah, shoe size 8 or 9

Thanks in advance and happy shopping!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Treasure Island Music Festival 2012, Sunday

My memory in bullet point form (minus the bullets):

Awesome parking. $30 bucks well spent.

Eating chimichurrie fries from 4505. Reeeeally gooood.

Hospitality! Although, I prefer bands that have fun and act slightly more humble (wow, do I sound like douche! but...), especially with this kind of fun music. The band seemed kind of, I don't know, cunty.  Example: in a vaguely bored and subtle foreign accent "We're so excited to be playing on this beautiful vessel."  Dooon't doooo thaat.  Motherfucker, it's an island. Treasure Island Music Festival.  Separate thought, but a concurring moment: The sit down seduction. Boys hitting on girls. You come and sit down, very very close to single girls and you settle into a sensual reclining pose. Is this what the kids are doing now a days?

Intense people watching. Stylish, weird, Wearing.Those.Boots/Middrift/Stockings/Leggings/etc., boobs.

Naked lady statue shade
+ waiting for someone to fall off the tiny trampolines 
+ bananas & chocolate 
funnel cake
= best funnel cake ever.

tacos, ehhhh.

Posting up in the intermittent shade of the ferris wheel. 
Coffee, orange juice, water, snap.
Orange juice + mango = delicious.
Mango juice + orange juice = why would you do that?

Blonde bitchhh. let. me. tell. you. Hust. ling. us. for. some. water. She was cool. Until she drank straight out of Dom's water bottle without asking. What is wrong with you?

Bumping into co workers. Work talk. But, fuuuuuun.

Other bands.

 Porto potty theory. Go where no one else goes. So walk to the farthest porto potties. But what if everyone else is thinking the same thing? Pee and poo particles. Kitty litter for humans.

I noticed, the mohawk hairdo is big with fem/hip seemingly gay dudes and lesbian asian chicks. I'm somewhere in between.  I'm asian, I like dudes and I have a vagina.  It is only slightly narcissistic to hit on me when we look exactly the same, girl washing your hands across from me. And no, I didn't just make up that husband story to let you down easy. 
I am married to a dude with a pre op penis, who chooses to live his life as a man.
Got it.

Dance dance dance dance dance, 
sit down, 
slow dance, 

I think it was Silent Disco next. Weird, but cool. Submerged in music, but dancing in silence. Don't yell over the music ya dummy! Take the headphones off and talk at a normal volume. Me, waack. Just a lil.

M83. Chill. Music made visual. Perfect at moments.

Gossip. Waaaackin. Shamefully. People. Looking. Me. Feel Weird.

The XX. Yes. Awesome. Minimal. Perfect. Smooth. Ughhhhh. That's that shit I DO like. Feelings. Emotions in music form. And influenced by dance music. They make that statement make sense.

Last porto potty experience at the end of the night. SQUAT! Don't sit down. Thank God for portable sinks! And I forgot to mention the dance that goes with pumping the foot pedal for water. There's a dance.
Merch table to buy the Best Coast and Hospitality albums. Sold out. Impulsed bought a $25 dollar tshirt instead. No Jenny. Don't do that. I'm gonna have to wear the shit out of this shirt.

Doin hipster things with mah frenzz.

Pictures on Instagram: jennebones.  Facebook. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Movies that I'm finally fully appreciating.  Watched in this order this week, starting from the most recently watched...

1. When Harry Met Sally
2. Something's Gotta Give
3. Casino
4. Sense and Sensibility

Great acting all around.  Great dialogue.  Great stories.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

True Heartbreak

Did I ever tell you the story about Mikey cutting my favorite pair of sweatpants into shorts?

I was devastated.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

Marriage Means Something to Me

One year has gone by since I tied the knot to a Mr. Michael Morales.  Back in September, I reported that our married life is pretty much the same as our dating life, and not much has changed.  So why get married?  It wasn't a money thing, I can't even tell you the difference between my taxes now and before we got married.  And it's not a legal thing, we have nothing to legally fight over if we split except Nathan, and married or not, legal stuff would ensue if we were to split.  So the question is why then?  My answer?

This is honestly why I wanted to get married, and is still how I reasoned my desire to get married:

If legal marriage is the way you can show the one you love that you love them the most and want everyone to know that you love them that much, then I wanted to marry Mikey.

If that doesn't make sense, let me clarify.

You know how some people get promotions, but their job doesn't change?  It's like that.  It's tangible proof that the people around you, your superiors and possibly your equals depending on if there is a peer review, know and believe that you are doing a great job and want to show you that they appreciate your hard work and that you deserve a higher status so that everyone else will instantly know you're good.  That's what marriage is to me.

The big wedding that goes along with getting married is just a way to get people happily through celebrating you and your love of each other.  Makes sense why some people hate weddings, because it can get very self congratulatory very fast.  "Look at what we have and how great our lives are!!!"  BLEH!  But I've noticed that the most enjoyable weddings to attend, the ones where you can't hate the bride and groom no matter how cheesy things get, are those that are insanely genuine.  You can just look at that bride and groom and see the love that they have for each other, and yes, their wedding day and marriage means exactly what I believe it to mean.  A way to show the person you have chosen to marry that you love them the most and you want everyone to know it.

When I call Mikey my husband, I have just designated that I love him the most to people that may not know that.

And this is why it means something to me that gay/lesbian/transgender people should have the right to legally marry their spouse.  They grew up with the same understanding of marriage as me (assuming), and to not let them get married is taking away a way for them to show their love for their favorite person.  It's discrimination.  Would you be able to deny a promotion of an outstanding worker based on a lifestyle choice you did not agree with?  No, that would be illegal.  And that's why denying a gay/lesbian/transgender person from getting married to the person they love is so wrong and should be illegal.

And divorce carries the same opposite meaning to me.  It's about showing the world that the person you are divorcing is no longer your favorite person.  And that I understand.  It happens, and I'm very sympathetic.  Everyone should be allowed to marry and divorce as they see fit.

I'm not sure how I got to this point in my post, but my initial intention was to say, happy first wedding anniversary to me and Mikey.  Nothing has changed, and I'm glad.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Money is the Source of Happiness and Evil

We live in a world where money buys you everything.  It is also the reason that most people do bad things.  I say most because some people are just plain fucked up and do bad things because they like doing bad things.

Your average person will do petty bad things to save money.

Your rich person will do bad things to make more money.

Your evil person will do really bad things for easy money.


Your average person will download pirated music and movies, not pay for food or other small items if they know they will not be prosecuted for it, and will shortchange anyone that won't make a fuss over it.  These are bad things to do because they are stealing.  You didn't pay for that album, you didn't pay for that movie, you didn't pay for that food, you didn't pay for that jacket, you didn't do the work that you said you would for that money.  If it was cash you were stealing, you probably wouldn't do it.

Your rich person will scheme and scheme to increase profits, no matter what the cost is to others.  The mortgage crisis is one of these schemes.  They sold houses to people they knew could not afford it in order to sell stocks to foreign investors and bought stocks betting on their failure.  The people who bought the houses have poor credit now, the economy is not so hot and almost completely collapsed, and none of these schemers had to pay for what they did. 
The whole food industry is another one.  America is getting fatter and unhealthier.  More shit is put into our food to make it more delicious so we eat more.  And more money is spent on advertising than the cost is to make the food that is being eaten.  No one is making us eat this food, true.  But they damn sure aren't telling us the whole fucking truth either, not about the cost, not about the content, not about profits.
Oil.  This one is too easy and far reaching that if you don't know, I don't know what to say.  Cars, hybrids, tires, wars, roads.  I don't know, just everything about that industry is full of selfish business people who don't give a fuck about anything and only care about the bottom line: money.
Big corporations that lay off their workers to increase profits.  They give pay cuts, and give themselves raises.  Bad.

Your evil person will do bad things for easy money.  Human trafficking is pretty bad.  Anyone on the scheming side are evil for sure.  Drug dealing.  I know the small drug dealers aren't really evil, it may just be a means to an end to some, but the big wealthy ones are definitely evil.  Pretty much anyone on the top of a pyramid is probably evil because they had to do things to stay on top.  Preying on the naive.  Not cool, evil for obvious reasons.

But money does get good things too.  Advances in technology.  Toys for kids.  Medicine for ailments that can't be cured naturally.  Food.  It's easy to see how money doesn't necessarily equal evil, but people definitely lose morality for this shit.  Is it that hard to make money in honest ways?  Don't ignore how you're making your money.  And how much money do you really need?  Do you need a big big house?  Do you need a really expensive car?  Do you need expensive clothes?  Why?  So that you can appear to be successful while you are not contributing to society, and actually making it worse?  Now I'm not talking about hard working honest people who never harmed anyone, by all means, if you're making money in a very respectable way, buy whatever you want.  No, I'm talking about the Evil people in the world that are rich and became rich by doing whatever evil thing it took.  And I'm sure every single bad thing they did, they validated it by saying "well if I didn't do it, someone else would."


Harry Potter and the Puppet Presidents and Going Off On a Tangent

Voldemort's chosen Minister of Magic could be paralleled to today's Presidents
In the last Harry Potter, the appointed Minister of Magic to Voldermort's new regime was just a person who could be controlled by Voldemort.  He didn't make any important decisions.  He was just a puppet.  Just like today's presidents.  It doesn't matter who is elected, we know that a president cannot pass anything without the support of the House or Senate.  And who controls the House and Senate?  Ideally, House and Senate reps are elected by the people.  This is what a democracy is.  But we know that there are a few people who run, that we know close to nothing about, except for their party affiliations and campaign budgets.  And what matter is a party affiliation when a vote is willingly sold and is usually bought by lobbyists, who are funded by big, rich, corporations.  Is it a wonder that more and more legislation is being passed to protect low taxes on big corporations, lower taxes for the individually wealthy, and laws that enforce the wishes of such ridiculous corporations like Monsanto.

I once heard that more and more young voters do not see the point in voting.  Do we really wonder why with the message being - it does not matter who you vote for or what you believe in, but how much money you can throw at people to get them to do what you want?

And sadly, we are a generation of people who really believe this is as good as it's going to be, that it doesn't matter how much we do, or how much we care, but this is the world as we know it.

Why can't we want more?  I want more.  I want equal rights for everyone, equal tax for everyone, less outsourcing and more manufacturing here in America.  I want profits to be smaller and everyone to be paid what they deserve.  I want more money for education, and I want everyone to believe that an education is important.  I want an honest reason that we are going to war, an honest reason we are at war.  I want people to eat healthier.  I want people to be happier with their lives.  Oh and I want an end to lobbying.

Forget what you know about the government and money and imagine an improved world.  I'm starting with this blog here.  I may not do a lot to improve the world around me, but at least I'm saying it.  And hopefully, you're reading it.  And you'll want more fairness in the world, not more money, and you'll ask for more.  And maybe if more of us ask for more and not just more money, politicians will give us more.  And maybe I did something to help improve the world by reaching you.


Monday, June 25, 2012

ThomasOragami and The Soul Felons

I love everything about being a Soul Felon.  The family.  The talent.  Uniqueness.  Humor.  Ambition.  Style.  Tattoos.  The fun. 

Here is a compilation of the FELN clips by ThomasOragami, watch all four and you will get a feel for the Soul Felons Crew:

FELN X The Hoodz

Soul Felons 10 Year Anniversary
Soul Felons 10 Year Anniversary Part 2

VIMEO: Daniel & Kristina's Wedding (click the link to see video)


50 Shades of Grey, the Movie

Okay, admittedly, I both love and hate this awful book.  And I get why people are talking about it.  But that doesn't mean I want to talk about it at work or with my female in laws over 40.  This is what blogs are for.  To talk about things you don't want to talk about with other people, while still getting your ideas out there.  Embrace the future people.

So here is who I would want to see in the movie interpretation of this book.

Penn Badgley as Christian Grey

Annaleigh Tipton as Anastasia Steele.  Obviously, she plays innocent and sexy well.

Blake Lively as Kate Kavanaugh, *if she can talk smart.

Dave Franco as Elliot Grey


Friday, June 22, 2012

The Humor of a Brain Injury

After we left the hospital today, we went to get something to eat.

MIKEY:  I'm so hungry, I could fuck a cow.
JENNY:  No.  I don't think that's how that saying goes.
MIKEY:  What?
JENNY:  I think it's "I'm so hungry, I could EAT a cow."
MIKEY:  Oh yeah.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.  Well, I'm so hungry, I could go down on a cow.
JENNY:  Hahahaha.  Yes.
MIKEY:  Man, I'm so funny, I should write that down.

Mikey has a concussion.  I will be babysitting him for the next 48 hours, A&E style. 


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

50 Shades of Grey Vs. Twilight

(These two book covers are different.  Can you point out the differences?)

Bet you didn't know, I have a minor in comparative literature.

Here's my essay on 50 Shades of Grey and Twilight (yes, I wrote an essay on the topic.  Just now.  Don't judge me.)  And it's not the best writing of my life, I'm a little rusty.  Give me a week and this essay could be decent.

Stephanie Meyer Should Be Pissed at E.L. James for Ripping Her Book Off, But Who Really Cares, Both Books Suck.

                Despite the few differences between Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James, it is clear from the vast amount of similarities that 50 Shades of Grey and Twilight are pretty much the same book, with the one obvious exception that Twilight has vampires and 50 Shades of Grey does not. 
                The main female characters are the same.  Both Ana (50 Shades of Grey) and Bella (Twilight) come from broken homes.  They find themselves bonding more with their father figures due to their mothers’ selfishness and need to be with their new husbands over their own daughters.  Both girls have low self esteem.  Ana and Bella believe they are not that smart, fretting over doing poorly on tests, and comparing themselves to the seemingly smarter, more accomplished women around them (Ana to Katherine and Bella to Alice) despite both being avid readers of the classic romantic novels (both love Austen) and doing well in school, Bella having good grades in many honors classes, and Ana about to be graduating from Washington State University.  Both are brunette (brown hair) and seem to think this is the main difference between themselves, unattractive (ugly) girls, and attractive (hot blonde) girls.  Because they are obviously smart and attractive, (long hair, skinny  with beautiful faces and men are interested in them), one can only deduce that both girls are actually dumb and inherently stupid for believing they are not that smart and unattractive according to 1970’s standards of physical beauty.  And both Ana and Bella are noted for being clumsy and uncoordinated.
                The love stories are setup the same way.  Girl meets mysterious man after they selflessly make some kind of sacrifice for a weak woman they really love and care for.  Bella sacrifices her happiness in a sunny warm place and moves to sunless dreary Forks, Washington to give her mother a chance to be with her new husband.  Ana sacrifices studying for her finals to interview a handsome billionaire in place of her sick bestfriend/jounalist roommate.   After meeting their future love interests, they go through their  self defacing “why would he ever want me,  he is so hot and ungettable and I’m so ugly” moment.  They fall for each other despite knowing only the most rudimentary things about the other (he works here, lives here, has this has that.  She lives here, works here, has these friends).  The authors convey that they do not need to know anything about the other, they have instant chemistry which is described in both books as physically “electric” that they cannot, despite all efforts, ignore.  There is also a love triangle in both books.  Ana has her economically poor rape-y best friend, and Bella has her economically poor rape-y best friend too.  Coincidently, Bella and Ana’s “best friends,” whom they are initially totally uninterested in, are both of ethnic decent (black hair, dark copper skin, so in other words, not hot).   
The main male love interests are the same as well, with the exception of the vampire detail.  Both Edward and Grey are mysterious, shrouded in bachelor hood, possess insanely good looks (which are also the same, chiseled face and body, copper tousled hair), immense wealth, and the only people who really know who they are, are their prospective adoptive family members.  Edward and Grey are older gentlemen (Grey is 28, 7 years Ana’s senior.  Edward is 100+, Bella’s literal geriatric senior).  And they are both dangerous, and are not forthright about how dangerous they are to the women they are interested in.  Both Edward and Grey convey their love by being stern father figures to their love interests.  They make huge declarations of their love by going against their better judgment and stepping in to save Bella and Ana from sexual predators (while instantaneously stalking those women themselves), not unlike father figures who fret over the virtue of their virginal daughters.  Grey and Edward also commit to their father figure roles by buying expensive gifts for their love interests.
In summation, 50 Shades of Grey and Twilight are so much a like in plot and details, that they could very well be the same book.  With older male love interests, love triangles, self sacrificing self hating clumsy brunette female characters going into dangerous situations by being in love with these mysterious men, the only real difference between these books are the word vampire.  And apparantly all the sex in 50 Shades of Grey (I haven't gotten to that part yet because I was too distracted by how much of a rip off this book was of Twilight, not that I really care though, both books suck, and yes, I love reading them, shut up).


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Tennis Concert

Last night, we went to the Tennis concert in the city.  What else is there to say about the band LIVE that is not obvious.  They were great. They left nothing to want. Read this review to get a feel Live Review, 4/30/12: Tennis Evokes Springtime Feelings at the Independent.  I thought the review ^ was good, too, so I looked the author up.  (At first I was offended that she thinks people who post baby pictures on facebook are boring, but then I remembered she's single.  She has a cat and I have a kid.  It's like the same thing.)

Anyways, back to the concert.  I shamefully danced and tried to tone it down.  I apologized when I squealed in glee.  We made jokes with anyone that talked to us.  Surprise everyone! White people have a sense of humor, too.

"This would be a great spot if this tall motherfucker wasn't standing in front of us."
"What if they designated standing sections by height?"
"Whoa, thayt is heightist!"
"Why I gotta stand in the back?! Nahhhhhhh shawttie."
"I'm taking that word back.  It's now a term of endearment."
"I'm not short, but I have a friend that is short.  So I can say that."
"I grew up around a lot of short people."
"Shortie is not the same as shawtie."
"Das jus heightiss."

Tall dude blocking us had a handlebar mustache so you know he was legit.

Fun note: Tennis is comprised of a husband and wife team, and the husband is sooooooooo hot.  I've got teeny bopper googly eyes for him.

After the show, while waiting in line for the bathroom, of course I was that girl that was talking too much to the other girls in line.  Target bras and panty liners came up.  Blogs and writing did too.  I had the "This isn't comedy hour, this bitch needs to shut the fuck up" vibe going on.  Yeah, I was that girl talking wayyyy too much in line for the bathroom.  I was chatty Kathy all day with complete strangers.  Sandwiches does that to you sometimes.

Mikey was very pleased with the concert.  More than pleased, elated.  Spent $70 bucks at the merchandise table after the show and we was groupie-ing it up, waiting for Tennis to come out so we could meet them.  But  security scooted us out before we could enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Overall, pleased customer right here.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Power of the Internet

I'm connecting with you because of Facebook.  I know your thoughts.  I know what you like.  i know what you're complaining about. i know how you talk.  relationships are different now depending on how emotionally slutty you are on these online forums because I know you in a more detailed way.  I may have never really talked to you in real life, but because we are Facebook friends, there is a constant dialogue. 

Technology has become a real extension of ourselves.  We like something in real life and we can say that and share that with the world through social forums.  Everything you would want to know about a person on the first or second date, you could learn on their social network profile.  Things that we think and feel and choose to document online in emails and on social networks are there for the foreseeable future.  We can tap into them whenever.  Had a thought the other day and emailed it to myself.  A week later, I read it and knew word for word exactly what I was thinking.  I could email that to someone else, and depending on if they read and save it and read it again later, that thought could exist forever.  That's what I mean, we can access our thoughts at any point in time, depending on your internet connection of course, and we can access information we WANT, too.   Information that could be trivial or academic.  The time between wanting and having information is now ZERO.  And that's what they mean by the world is getting faster.  That old way of describing the internet, the information super highway, indeed.  I finally get it.



Monday, February 6, 2012

Swimsuit Season Already?!

I never go swimming.  I hate public pools.  I can't get the idea out of  my head that everyone pees in the pool.  You know it's true.

But I love the beach, I love the ocean, I would live anywhere that was within a 20 minute drive to a warm sunny beach.

And I love bathing suit shopping despite not really needing one.  But I'm super picky.  I'm into the high waisted 2 piece suits and one piece suits, and luckily those are very Vogue right now.  I've got a mommy pudge belly that needs covering for sure.  Nathan cutely points to my tummy and says "Baby!"  Which makes me sad and makes me wish I was pregnant instead of just looking like I was 3 months pregnant.  Eh, that's just the truth about post baby bodies.

So here are my picks...

 I want all these bathing suits!  Vintage Retro...I <3

These pictures are totally channeling my new Li-Fo music genre obsession (Tennis & Best Coast).

 Urban Outfitters

marc by marc jacobs


Monokini's work for me, too.

 Ralph Lauren

Can't go wrong with a classic black number.

I can't wait til me and Mikey's wedding anniversary Santa Cruz trip next August.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How could I forget RuPaul's Drag Race?

What is there to say about this show?!  Great host, awesome characters, dancing, costumes made a la project runway, make up transformations, funny dialogue and a supplemental after show just to showcase the shit talking and z snaps behind the scenes.

Definitely, one of my favorite shows and they just started season 4!!!!


Monday, January 30, 2012

My books

I'd categorize the books I like in three categories.  

#1. Reading Assignments

Not all the books that fall under the category "reading assignments" were actually reading assignments, but I read them thinking they became classic reading assignments for good reasons.

#2.  Saga Books

Self explanatory... (don't judge me)

i'm hoping you can't see this.

 I'm still reading this one, no hurry since I've seen the first season, but the book is only slightly better than the awesome show.

I'm still unsure if I understood "y."  A re-read is on my horizon.

#3. Highly Suggested

On the top of my list of books I suggest to friends to read there is Survivor, by Chuck Palahniuk.  In Chuck Palahniuk's world, the things he writes about are usually about something else entirely.  I'd also suggest Fight Club 

and Snuff 

both by Palahniuk, both very entertaining and thought provoking.

my mom gave me this as a Christmas gift before there was any rumor there would be a movie.  I was surprised to hear that it was written by a man.

 This was also a gift from my mom.  So funny, and it gives you the ultimate answer to the universe, life and everything (42).

Sad, but funny.  A mom suggestion, too.

I'm gonna re-read this soon, too.

Ummm, her last name is....

Good reads,