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Friday, June 22, 2012

The Humor of a Brain Injury

After we left the hospital today, we went to get something to eat.

MIKEY:  I'm so hungry, I could fuck a cow.
JENNY:  No.  I don't think that's how that saying goes.
MIKEY:  What?
JENNY:  I think it's "I'm so hungry, I could EAT a cow."
MIKEY:  Oh yeah.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.  Well, I'm so hungry, I could go down on a cow.
JENNY:  Hahahaha.  Yes.
MIKEY:  Man, I'm so funny, I should write that down.

Mikey has a concussion.  I will be babysitting him for the next 48 hours, A&E style. 


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