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Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday and Existential Rants

Mikey got that TV... last week.  It's all about price adjusting!

So I was thinking crazy/sad/depressing things about Black Friday, commercialism, advertising, and Occupy Wall Street.  But it got too hopeless real fast and at the end of an amazingly insightful post I will never post, including all the honest thoughts I have about the economy and consumerism , I came back to Earth and out of the dark hole that is existential thought, and focused on the simple things that make me happy.  The things that I can (somewhat) control.

I know what makes me happy.  The big stuff in the world is out of my control and shouldn't be in my thoughts, I'm just too realistic and too sensitive to be involved. 

What makes me happy?

-Laughing with my friends
-Hanging out with my family
-Clothing and fixing myself up
-Watching my baby grow up (I try not to think about the future and the day that he'll be a source of my worry)
-Enjoying the company of my husband, being proud of us in our careers, building our life together so we can buy things, eat things, and go places.

My brain is going to go back into hibernation.  See you in the Spring.


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