Wedding info

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An invitation story

So you guests are checking out the blog now, which means you guys got the invitations!  Excitingggg!  And don't be disturbed by the delay of your invite, it doesn't mean you were an afterthought, or you were forgotten, it just means one of two things.  1) That we got your invite back for some reason (despite the correctness of address) or 2) me and Mikey just took forever to finish up all these invitations.

So what you may or may not know is that me and Mikey made the invitations.  From design to printing, to cutting and gluing (yah that's how you spell it), we did it all.

Except for the paper, we didn't make the paper.

After what seemed like months of combing the internet for the perfect invitation that matched our style and budget, I made the executive decision to make the invitations.  My reasoning was we would be able to save money and get exactly what we wanted.  But we had no idea where to start, and we also had no idea how much work it would actually be.  Yeah, we had a lot of examples of what the final product should look like and include, and we had a general idea of what we wanted our invitations to look like, but there's a lot of variety and options and decision making involved, which most people may not know, are not my strong suits.

Suffice to say, it took a few trips to the Paper Source and Michael's and many prototypes to nail down a final invitation design.

 Raffea ribbon-Michael's Craft Store, Rose print paper and ivory card- Paper Source, white cardstock - Staples, (not in picture) Target gift wrapping paper as envelope liners -Target

And once we had the design down, it then became an issue of time, patience, manpower and supplies.

If there was a free second during the week, we were sitting at the dining room table cutting and gluing.  And if we had the ball rolling and getting shit done, we would always realize that there was something else that needed to be done.

For example.  Once we finished the invitations and RSVP's, I wanted envelope liners in the RSVP's too.  We had to cut and glue more. Once we finished that up, "Oh shoot, we need directions!"  More printing, more cutting.  Once that was done, "What about the hotel information and registry info!?"  "Uhhhhh, business cards with blog info!"  So we added the business cards.  "Okay we're ready to send these things out!"  The damn envelopes wouldn't run through the printer, so we had to buy envelopes that would (I really wanted the envelopes to be addressed pretty =) ).

And still, even after all of you have received your invitations, there are still people waiting for their invitation.  We have the envelopes, but not all the addresses. We have the addresses, but not all the invitations.  We need to make more!  It's always something with these invitations.

Every time we've been short of finishing, production would stop, a week would go by, and before you know it it's May, almost June, almost July, almost our wedding!

Sometimes I don't know what I was thinking when I thought this would be a quick and easy project.  But I do really love how they turned out, and really, that's all a picky girl like me could ask for.   Now if we could only finish them all up and not worry about sending them out anymore...


PS Don't forget to RSVP!

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