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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Money is the Source of Happiness and Evil

We live in a world where money buys you everything.  It is also the reason that most people do bad things.  I say most because some people are just plain fucked up and do bad things because they like doing bad things.

Your average person will do petty bad things to save money.

Your rich person will do bad things to make more money.

Your evil person will do really bad things for easy money.


Your average person will download pirated music and movies, not pay for food or other small items if they know they will not be prosecuted for it, and will shortchange anyone that won't make a fuss over it.  These are bad things to do because they are stealing.  You didn't pay for that album, you didn't pay for that movie, you didn't pay for that food, you didn't pay for that jacket, you didn't do the work that you said you would for that money.  If it was cash you were stealing, you probably wouldn't do it.

Your rich person will scheme and scheme to increase profits, no matter what the cost is to others.  The mortgage crisis is one of these schemes.  They sold houses to people they knew could not afford it in order to sell stocks to foreign investors and bought stocks betting on their failure.  The people who bought the houses have poor credit now, the economy is not so hot and almost completely collapsed, and none of these schemers had to pay for what they did. 
The whole food industry is another one.  America is getting fatter and unhealthier.  More shit is put into our food to make it more delicious so we eat more.  And more money is spent on advertising than the cost is to make the food that is being eaten.  No one is making us eat this food, true.  But they damn sure aren't telling us the whole fucking truth either, not about the cost, not about the content, not about profits.
Oil.  This one is too easy and far reaching that if you don't know, I don't know what to say.  Cars, hybrids, tires, wars, roads.  I don't know, just everything about that industry is full of selfish business people who don't give a fuck about anything and only care about the bottom line: money.
Big corporations that lay off their workers to increase profits.  They give pay cuts, and give themselves raises.  Bad.

Your evil person will do bad things for easy money.  Human trafficking is pretty bad.  Anyone on the scheming side are evil for sure.  Drug dealing.  I know the small drug dealers aren't really evil, it may just be a means to an end to some, but the big wealthy ones are definitely evil.  Pretty much anyone on the top of a pyramid is probably evil because they had to do things to stay on top.  Preying on the naive.  Not cool, evil for obvious reasons.

But money does get good things too.  Advances in technology.  Toys for kids.  Medicine for ailments that can't be cured naturally.  Food.  It's easy to see how money doesn't necessarily equal evil, but people definitely lose morality for this shit.  Is it that hard to make money in honest ways?  Don't ignore how you're making your money.  And how much money do you really need?  Do you need a big big house?  Do you need a really expensive car?  Do you need expensive clothes?  Why?  So that you can appear to be successful while you are not contributing to society, and actually making it worse?  Now I'm not talking about hard working honest people who never harmed anyone, by all means, if you're making money in a very respectable way, buy whatever you want.  No, I'm talking about the Evil people in the world that are rich and became rich by doing whatever evil thing it took.  And I'm sure every single bad thing they did, they validated it by saying "well if I didn't do it, someone else would."


Harry Potter and the Puppet Presidents and Going Off On a Tangent

Voldemort's chosen Minister of Magic could be paralleled to today's Presidents
In the last Harry Potter, the appointed Minister of Magic to Voldermort's new regime was just a person who could be controlled by Voldemort.  He didn't make any important decisions.  He was just a puppet.  Just like today's presidents.  It doesn't matter who is elected, we know that a president cannot pass anything without the support of the House or Senate.  And who controls the House and Senate?  Ideally, House and Senate reps are elected by the people.  This is what a democracy is.  But we know that there are a few people who run, that we know close to nothing about, except for their party affiliations and campaign budgets.  And what matter is a party affiliation when a vote is willingly sold and is usually bought by lobbyists, who are funded by big, rich, corporations.  Is it a wonder that more and more legislation is being passed to protect low taxes on big corporations, lower taxes for the individually wealthy, and laws that enforce the wishes of such ridiculous corporations like Monsanto.

I once heard that more and more young voters do not see the point in voting.  Do we really wonder why with the message being - it does not matter who you vote for or what you believe in, but how much money you can throw at people to get them to do what you want?

And sadly, we are a generation of people who really believe this is as good as it's going to be, that it doesn't matter how much we do, or how much we care, but this is the world as we know it.

Why can't we want more?  I want more.  I want equal rights for everyone, equal tax for everyone, less outsourcing and more manufacturing here in America.  I want profits to be smaller and everyone to be paid what they deserve.  I want more money for education, and I want everyone to believe that an education is important.  I want an honest reason that we are going to war, an honest reason we are at war.  I want people to eat healthier.  I want people to be happier with their lives.  Oh and I want an end to lobbying.

Forget what you know about the government and money and imagine an improved world.  I'm starting with this blog here.  I may not do a lot to improve the world around me, but at least I'm saying it.  And hopefully, you're reading it.  And you'll want more fairness in the world, not more money, and you'll ask for more.  And maybe if more of us ask for more and not just more money, politicians will give us more.  And maybe I did something to help improve the world by reaching you.
