Wedding info

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wedding Pictures

If you want to see ALL the wedding pictures by Juvenia, here's the link:

Jenny & Mikey's wedding album

Use our email address,

***Shortcut to family portraits***

Go to Portraits category, ignore all the uncomfortable couple pictures, then go to page 4.

But if your logged in already, just hit this link: family yearbook pictures.

Post wedding life

I'm pleased to report that married life is exactly like unmarried life.  We eat the same things we did before we got married (ravioli in white sauce, lettuce wraps, steak, and junk food to name a few). We're interested in the same things we were interested in before (vintage shopping, breaking, and Nathan).  We go out and do the same things (hang out and shop for used stuff (currently furnishing our apartment, yay!)), and we fight over the same things (how to put the damn ikea boxes in the truck! errr sooooo frustrating). 

The only real difference now that I'm married is that when I tell stories about Mikey to my coworkers, I call him my husband, which is, I gotta admit, a great feeling.

<3 Jenny